Thursday, March 10, 2011

Installing intel c++ compiler in your ubuntu/debian system

1. Go to website

2. Click on “Free non-commercial” under “Tools & Downloads”

3. Download “Intel® C++ Composer XE 2011 for Linux”

4. Unpack package files, then in each main folder run (as superuser)

5. Choose default setting

6. In the process check your email from intel which contains series number, you will need.

7. Add following lines in you .bashrc file in your home folder
(u may need to change compilerpro version)
source /opt/intel/compilerpro- ia32
source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ ia32

8. Run
source ~/.bashrc

That's it. Instruction are for installing 32 bit compiler. You will need appropriate changes if you are rather installing 64 bit compiler.


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